SCATV Livestream: The Role of Innovation in International Peace

SCATV is the premiere media sponsor for the Canopy Social Impact Series! We are a strong community media center based in Somerville, MA and we believe in our ability to help create a more informed community through civic engagement. We share the Canopy mission to cross pollinate, educate and activate. You can watch the livestream below, but you must fist create a free login to view. Thank you. Any issues with the livestream connection please email Erica Jones at Thank you!

ABOUT THE SERIES: Join us at the Canopy Social Impact Series kickoff event!
Every month, our unique social impact organization will be hosting a vibrant discussion that focuses on the most pressing local, national and international issues facing us today.
By bringing together local, national and internationally-renowned experts who are working towards solutions to the same problems, in distinctly different realms–such as government, academia and the tech sector–we can galvanize our efforts. By sparking these untapped collaborations and this cross-pollination of ideas, we can tackle our most complex challenges more efficiently and more effectively.
Creating diverse panels that are open to the public will serve as a catlyst for reaching equally diverse audiences. Canopy’s outreach efforts extend into the public schools, churches, technology companies, non-profits, startups, coffeeshops, college campuses, community centers and are further enhanced by taking our message to the streets in grassroots fashion.
What also makes Canopy gatherings different is our event format. Our keynote speakers illuminate the framework for the following moderated panel discussion. What is truly unique is the addition of a “Canopy Featured Non-Profit” at every event. At the end of the moderated panel discussion, we introduce our featured non-profit, who is hitting the respective challenge head on. Attendees are then encouraged to visit that non-profit’s information table to sign petitions and volunteer forms, receive informative pamplets and purchase items.
The Canopy Social Impact Series event model strives to:
(1) Connect people and cross-pollinate ideas (2) Educate attendees and panelists (3) Provide opportunities to get involved by supporting a local non-profit and direct involvment.
Cross-pollinate – Educate – Activate
All funds raised through the cost of admission and individual event donations are split 50/50 with the Canopy Featured Non-Profit. This is intended to empower their work and to keep the event series sustainable.
We encourage you to make a contribution of any size to help us continue this mission.
This month’s Canopy Social Impact Series event theme is:
The Role of Innovation in International Peace and Security
This month’s Canopy Featured Non-Profit is:Massachusetts Peace Action
Keynote Speaker
Professor Noam Chomsky – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Matthew Hoey – Managing Director and Co-founder of Canopy
Matthew is the former Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies, where he served as a ballistic missile defense, nuclear forces and space weaponization. Additionally Matthew served as a technology forecasting consultant to Dr. Raymond Kurzweil. He is currently a member of the Innovation Series Committee for the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge and a cybersecurity contributor to Homeland Security Today magazine.
Panelist 1 – Kade Crockford, Director, Technology for Liberty Program, American Civil Liberities Union of Massachusetts (ACLU)
Panelist 2 – Fox Harrell, Associate Professor, MIT CSAIL, is a researcher exploring the relationship between imaginative cognition and computation
Panelist 3 – Paul Heroux, Massachusetts State Representative, serves on the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security
Panelist 4 – Nandini (Dini) Merz, Program Director at the Proteus Fund where she guides the work of the Columbe Foundation
