Community Lens

union sqaure show

SMC In-House Production
Minutes: 28
Frequency: Monthly
Producer: Somerville Media Center / Somerville Neighborhood News
Description: A program that shines a light on the work of Somerville non-profits and other community-oriented organizations or groups.

5 years ago

From the event site:

Join Somerville band Stanley and the Undercovers for an evening of great music, dancing, and community to support immigrants.
Help support support legal funding for those seeking refuge in our country. All proceeds go to the United Legal Defense Fund for Immigrants, supporting immigrants facing detention/deportation. The United Legal Defense Fund gives grants to legal defense organizations offering pro-bono assistance to local immigrants. Deportation proceedings are civil matters, lawyers are not provided by the court. Those with legal representation have a five times higher chance of achieving a favorable outcome.

In Partnership with the cities of Cambridge and Somerville, Mayor of Cambridge Marc McGovern, Mayor of Somerville Joseph Curtatone, and the Cambridge Community Foundation. For more information go to:

Recorded October 6, 2019 at Somerville Media Center

5 years ago

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and SNN took the opportunity to speak with Somerville-based non-profit RESPOND. RESPOND is a pioneer in the movement to end domestic violence, New England's first domestic violence prevention agency and the second in the nation.

5 years ago

SNN speaks with Greater Somerville Homeless Coalition about their fundraising endeavor and area tradition: The Somerville 5K Road Race which has a new "detoured" route this year in Arlington.

5 years ago

Erica Jones of Somerville Media Center catches up with Zach Baum, Jessica Eshleman and Joe Carreiro of Union Square Main Streets to learn about recent campaigns, marketing initiatives and events.